WeForm.net IXL Learning Group Sign Up
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IXL Learning Group Sign Up

IXL Learning Group Sign Up
WeForm IXL.WeForm.net 2023-08-29
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Total: 29signed up
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You are enjoying your own Earn2Share Bonus. You will get bonus when your friend's order is processed.
You haven't linked email account yet. Please click here to link your email.

Please press the QRcode on the bottom to follow us on WeChat.

IXL includes Math (Pre-K to Grade 12),Language arts (Pre-K to Grade 12), Science (Grade 2-8),Social study (Grade 2-8).

How to use:
  1. IXL supports PC or APP for iPad/iPhone, Android, Kindle
  2. Use the login account and password to log in and practice;
  3. Parents or guardians can log in on PC and use the same log in to check diagnostic.
Order steps:
  1. Submit WeForm and complete payment.
  2. Forward WeForm to your friends for them to enjoy discount and you will earn bonus when they order.
  3. You will receive log in account and password when we reach the minimum 25 group members.
Terms of Use:
  1. We reserve the right to cancel the group and issue full refund.
  2. You may edit your subscription ending date before or after you submit. If you don't enter an ending time, the subscription will renew automatically.
  3. We may change your class and modify your login information if necessary.

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Please press or scan this QRcode to add friend and send message IXL to join WeChat group:

Subscription Period

Starting Date*

Subscription Renewal*
Please modify renewal option any time here.
Renewals at same price
No Renewal - Price may increase when being updated


IXL团购 - 数学,英语,科学,社会学
支付完成后24小时内发送账号密码 I Save $1.00 Sharer Earns $2.00 $159.00 You Save: $124.01 (78%)

1 Sold 29 Left 1
格式:名字 姓氏


Your Name*

Your Mobile Phone*

Your Email*

Your WeChat ID*

Payment Method*
Please select the payment method to pay

You may log in to view your balance.

Please pay within 1 day after submission.
Anonymous Submit

Maximum quantity limit: 10
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More Description
P.S. We also recommend free Khan Academy.

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WeForm FAQ:

Q: What is WeForm?
A: WeForm is a smart online form system to connect people. It could be used for event registration, e-commerce & survey etc. Integrated with social network such as WeChat and Facebook, WeForm is a powerful tool to collect user information and interact with billions of users.

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Public Comments:
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点评微表: 提交后可以点评得奖金.

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Please scan the QRcode to follow and contact us on WeChat.

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