Help Center -> Product Info -> Thread: Guide - Cultureland Account Registration |
Guide - Cultureland Account Registration | | Last Updated: Jan 24, 2015 17:04 PM
You may need a cultureland account to recharge IMBC or other games. Here is the guide to get a cultureland account in several minutes.
You can buy cultureland card here.
Step 1: Go to this link: cultureland registration , and choose "19 years older".

Step 2: agree to all the terms.

Step 3: choose "email verification".

Step 4: you may need google translater to get your Korean name.

Step 5: set ID and Password. Password looks like "Love1989" and should be between 6-12 characters.
when you need to put your address, step 3 needs to input Korean address (please open link http://translate.google.cn/#zh-CN/ko/和 to copy the character), then search it, and randomly choose anyone you like.

Step 6: success!

If this page doesn't show up and you are redirected to the first page, something must be wrong. Please try the whole process again until you see this page.
Now you can buy cultureland card. Enjoy your game! | |